List of Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

List of More Than 70 Symptoms of Fibromyalgia 
Of those who respect fibromyalgia as a legitimate medical condition, most of them consider chronic pain to be the main symptom associated. Some also recognized chronic fatigue and fibro fog as additional symptoms. But what many fail to appreciate about fibromyalgia is that there are more than 70 symptoms that are layered as either a major symptom or a secondary symptom.
Also keep in mind that many of these symptoms are related to fibromyalgia or could easily be symptoms of other types of diseases. This list is presented as something to think about and information you may want to discuss with your doctor.

  1. Late reactions to physical exertion or stressful events.
  2. Chronic generalized pain.
  3. Other family members with fibromyalgia.
  4. Sweating, usually during the night.
  5. Unexplained weight gain.
  6. Unexplained weight loss
  7. Cravings for carbohydrates and chocolate
  8. headache
  9. tension headache.
  10. migraine headaches
  11. Changes in vision (vision that is rapidly deteriorating).
  12. Specific muscle pain.
  13. Specific tissue pain.
  14. morning stiffness
  15. Stiffness from sitting in the same position for a long time.
  16. muscle cramps
  17. diffuse inflammation.
  18. Fibroquistica (Klumpen).
  19. post nasal drip
  20. nose drops
  21. Sensitivity to yeast.
  22. difficulty breathing
  23. Earache and itching in the ears.
  24. Ringing in the ears (tinitis).
  25. Night waking and unrefreshing sleep.
  26. fatigue
  27. Sudden desire to sleep.
  28. muscle cramps
  29. Tooth grinding (bruxism).
  30. Premenstrual syndrome.
  31. loss of libido
  32. impotence
  33. digestive and abdominal problems.
  34. bloating and nausea
  35. Stomach cramps.
  36. pelvic pain.
  37. irritable bowel syndrome.
  38. symptoms in the bladder.
  39. Familiar words, slurred speech, other speech disorders (aphasia).
  40. Spatial disorientation.
  41. balance problems
  42. Paresthesias in the upper extremities (tingling or burning).
  43. Loss of ability to distinguish some nuances of colors.
  44. Impairment of short-term memory.
  45. confusion
  46. difficulty concentrating
  47. Inability to recognize their family environment.
  48. Sensory symptoms
  49. odor sensitivity
  50. Sensitivity to changes in pressure, temperature and humidity.
  51. sensitivity to light.
  52. sensitivity to noise.
  53. Difficulty driving at night.
  54. Sensory overload
  55. panic attacks
  56. Depression
  57. Tendency to cry easily
  58. Angst
  59. The mood changes
  60. Unexplained irritability
  61. Prolapse of the mitral valve
  62. Irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias, orthostatic postural tachycardia syndrome)
  63. Costochondritis, pain that mimics a heart attack.
  64. Pronounced stripes on the nails
  65. Nails that bend down
  66. spots on the skin
  67. bruises
  68. hair loss (temporary)
  69. Excess tissue growth (noncancerous tumors called lipomas, ingrown hairs, thick cuticles)
  70. hemorrhoids
  71. Bleeding nasalesfuente: 

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