Hoe fibromyalgie uw ogen kan beïnvloeden

Wat is fibromyalgie?

Naar schatting 1,1 miljoen Canadezen worden getroffen door fibromyalgie. 12 mei th  is dag van de fibromyalgiavoorlichting, die bedoeld is om te brengen zowel het publiek en de aandacht van artsen aan deze chronische pijnsyndroom. Fibromyalgie is gecompliceerd en wetenschappers onderzoeken nog steeds mogelijke oorzaken. De huidige geneeskunde heeft ontdekt dat fibromyalgie zowel het zenuwstelsel als het bewegingsapparaat aantast, en dat 80-90% van de patiënten vrouw is.

De aandoening is uniek voor elke getroffen persoon, dus de symptomen variëren. De ene persoon kan bijvoorbeeld voornamelijk pijn in de heupen hebben, terwijl de ander hoofdpijn kan krijgen. Sommige mensen kunnen ook pijn of problemen hebben met hun ogen en gezichtsvermogen als onderdeel van deze aandoening.

Hoe beïnvloedt fibromyalgie de ogen?

Omdat fibromyalgie het zenuwstelsel van het lichaam aantast, kunnen de zes belangrijkste spieren in het oog die de beweging ervan regelen, mogelijk de gevolgen ondervinden. De aandoening maakt de zenuwen van het lichaam gevoeliger, wat enkele van de volgende ooggezondheidsproblemen kan veroorzaken:

Droge ogen

A relatively common eye problem due to fibromyalgia is dry eyes. The mucous membranes in the nose, mouth, and eyes can dry up. Dry eyes can be especially uncomfortable for people who wear contact lenses. Using eye drops with vitamin A can help to keep your eyes moist and alleviate discomfort.

Blurred or double vision

Patients experiencing visual effects of fibromyalgia could have trouble focusing their vision. Some have trouble focusing while driving, reading, or during other daily activities. Additionally, their visual acuity can fluctuate—one day they may not have any trouble with their vision, and the next their vision may be so blurred that they struggle to read. In fact, some patients have such frequent changes in their vision that they are constantly updating their lens prescriptions. The best way to stay on top of your vision problems is to visit your optometrist whenever you notice a change; they will help you manage your symptoms and find the best treatment plan for you.

Sensitivity to light

Some fibromyalgia sufferers can be light sensitive, causing pain and making them squint in otherwise normal lighting conditions. For many, this sensitivity can cause difficulty both inside and outside—some wear sunglasses in both settings because the pain and discomfort are too much without them. You can also speak to your optometrist about getting special glasses for driving or looking at a computer screen.

Floaters and flashes

Floaters look like small spots or threads that pop up in your field of vision. People with fibromyalgia can be more prone to these, but generally shouldn’t be concerned unless they suddenly see a lot at the same time.

Similar to when you have a migraine, some people with fibromyalgia will see floaters and flashes in their line of vision. This can be alarming, especially when you know there is no light source nearby that’s causing it. It’s important to speak with your doctor about these symptoms.

Allowing yourself enough sleep will help your eyes rest and potentially reduce the stress they are under throughout the day. Sometimes closing your eyes periodically throughout the day could also help reduce fibromyalgia-related stress in your eyes.

If you have fibromyalgia and are concerned about changes in your vision health, make an appointment with an optometrist at your nearest FYidoctors location.

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