The causes for which a person can develop a tingling and burning sensation in the legs can be multiple. The foci of paresthesia -sensitivity in the skin- are diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, sciatica problems and fibromyalgia. Both the burning and tingling sensations can also be caused by temporary circulation problems or arise as a result of, for example, a bad foot position. The sensation of feeling pins and needles in the area of ​​the feet typical of paresthesia can be, a priori and in mild states, a simple annoyance; however, this sensation becomes distressing as it develops, which is why it seems essential to analyze foot pain in fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia is a disorder in which the nerves in the body are very inflamed and sensitive. There are several classes. Primary fibromyalgia or severe fibromyalgia, for example. One of the theories that revolves around these types of patients is the possibility that they are hypersensitive to nerve pain due to an excess of the neurological chemical that sends signals to the brain so that the body feels pain.

When a person suffers from this pathology, some of the most common ailments are arm pain and even jaw pain. So are foot discomfort. As a general rule, in the same plant as these. Fibromyalgia affects the onset of this pain as does, for example, plantar fasciitis, the inflammation of thick tissue on the sole or bottom of the foot. This tissue keeps the toes connected to the calcaneus, thus creating the arch of the foot.

To qualify for proper treatment, it is vitally important to rule out plantar fasciitis as a cause of foot pain to focus on fibromyalgia or invisible pain. In this sense, let us know what plantar fasciitis specifically consists of. This pathology occurs at the moment in which the thick band of tissue on the sole of the foot is stretched or overloaded too much. This stretching or overload can cause severe pain in the patient and even prevent him from walking. The following factors affect a greater possibility of suffering from plantar fasciitis:

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Existence of flat foot or high plantar arch.
Running long distances downhill or on uneven surfaces.
Sudden weight gain.
Achilles tendon strain.
Shoes with poor arch support or soft soles.
Plantar fasciitis manifests the same first symptoms of fibromyalgia that causes pain in the feet, since one of the most common complaints is pain and stiffness in the lower part of the heel, this being worse when taking the first steps when getting up from bed; after rest; when climbing stairs; or after intense activity.

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To rule out that the foot pain responds to plantar fasciitis, the specialist will carry out a series of tests and physical examinations to demonstrate:

Sensitivity in the sole of the foot.
Flat feet or high arches.
Swelling or mild redness in the foot.
Stiffness or tightness in the arch of the bottom of the foot.
When it comes to establishing an adequate treatment to relieve this type of pain that is focused on the lower extremities, specialists make the following recommendations:

Take paracetamol or ibuprofen to reduce pain and inflammation.
Perform heel and foot stretching exercises.
Wearing splints while sleeping in order to stretch the foot.
Rest and rest as long as possible.
Wear shoes with good support and cushioning.
Another type of measure that can relieve foot pain in fibromyalgia is the application of ice to the area and the use of orthopedic heel cups. If this doesn’t work, custom-made insoles or steroid injections may be used.

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