Dizziness, Balance And Falls During Fibromyalgia Outbreaks

Fibromyalgia, vertigo, poor balance and stunts are common problems. For some people, this is a small inconvenience that appears on occasion. In other cases, they can be very debilitating and cause regular injuries.

The fall, and especially the fall, is a serious problem. The last thing you need when you are suffering constantly is to hurt yourself all the time. Frequent falls or balance problems can also cause a fall.

This fear can in turn scare him to stay active even within his limits. According to a study in     clinical rheumatology,     73% of people with fibromyalgia are afraid of physical activity and nearly 75% have problems with balance.

The fall is not so much a symptom as the result of symptoms of vertigo and a bad balance. In this situation, falls and balance problems can also be related to changes in the way we walk.

So why does fibromyalgia involve these problems? And what can we do about it?

Fibromyalgia and vertigo

In fibromyalgia, dizziness usually occurs when you get up for the first time. It sounds like the feeling of “running in the head” from the moment you get up very quickly. This can only happen each time you go to bed or sit down. Sudden onset of dizziness can make your feet tremble, wobble or even fall or faint.

Vertigo and fainting in this condition may be related to a certain subgroup according to a 2017 study published in the     European Journal of Pain    .

In addition to dizziness and fainting, this subgroup also had the highest pain levels, as well as a number of symptoms and disorders, including overlapping cognitive dysfunction (“fibro-fog”), bladder irritable, vulvodynia and restless leg syndrome.

Research suggests that this phenomenon is due to the dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system (AZS), called autonomic dysfunction.

ANS is involved in many of your body’s essential functions, including heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, body temperature, metabolism, and digestion.

Dizziness due to dysautonomia may be called orthostatic intolerance, neural-mediated hypotension, or postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS). Essentially, this means that the heart and the brain do not communicate well.

What should be done is that when you get up from a lying or sitting position, the SNA increases your blood pressure to combat gravity and maintain a sufficient blood supply in your brain. With dysautonomia, this does not happen as it should. Conversely, blood pressure may be reduced while standing and cause vertigo or dizziness. In POTS, heart rate accelerates when blood pressure drops.

Dizziness may be associated with palpitations, blurred vision, increased heart rate, chest pain and a kind of fainting called vasovagal syncope.

However, not everyone faint with vertigo related to fibromyalgia. In a 2008 study, researchers reported that dizziness and palpitations were more common than fainting. They also say that POTS was one of the most common symptoms of fibromyalgia observed in table tilt tests, which measure their response to changes in position.

Problems with balance and gait in fibromyalgia

Research suggests that people with fibromyalgia run differently from healthy people. A 2009 study found that about 28% of people with this disease have an abnormal gait (walking mode).

In a functional performance study conducted in 2017, the researchers said that gait and balance were severely affected by this disease. Differences included:

  • klender significant passegte
  • time trager
  • the way the body swings while walking

The researchers noted that gait and balance differences were more pronounced in people with more pain, stiffness, fatigue, anxiety, and depression.

She recommended that doctors evaluate the walking and posture of their fibromyalgia patients to find the best type of rehabilitation and fall prevention.

This study is part of a growing body of scientific literature aimed at balancing and solving the problems that can cause falls in this condition. However, the evaluation and treatment of these symptoms may not be a priority for your doctor. If you are cared for, be sure to mention it at your next appointment.

Relieve vertigo and risk of falls in fibromyalgia

The more successful you are in treating your fibromyalgia, the less symptoms you will experience. However, if you need more attention or if you have not been able to find an effective treatment for fibromyalgia, you have several options.

For vertigo, orthostatic hypotension or neuronal hypotension, your doctor may recommend medications to help you. These may be SSRIs / SNRIs, benzodiazepines and beta-blockers. Some of these medications may help relieve other symptoms of fibromyalgia, as well as SSRIs and SNRIs for this condition. Your doctor can also change the lifestyle.

If you smoke, research published in the Joints, Bones, Spine Journal of Rheumatology        suggests that quitting smoking can help relieve some fainting and other symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Physiotherapy is a very common treatment for balance and walking. You can also ask your doctor if something like yoga, tai chi or qigong is safe for you.

As long as you have not found a way to improve these symptoms, be careful. Tools like a cane or walker can help you stay upright. Sitting exercises can be the safest option, and they are certainly a better option than the less active ones you can be.

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